The most complete time attendance and work management system on the market presents its application for electronic time recording: InovaPonto!Idealized to allow the electronic recording of time points even in places that do not have communication infrastructure.This application allows Forponto Customers to connect to their systems and requires that the application user has access to a licensed server with the MultiWeb module of the Forponto system.InovaPonto is a component of the Forponto system that works specifically as an electronic time stamp collector.Allows the use of registering appointments with Mifare or proximity cards, or through the employees credentials (registration and password).It works with a pre-determined list of employees that allows the company to define who should record the time on each device used.Allows online and offline appointments, with automatic function to send offline appointments to the system when the device resumes communication with the system.It offers the possibility of capturing the collaborators photo and the geographic position when registering the appointment, in addition to allowing the use of Captcha to offer more security to the process.Allows configuration of access to the system server through QRCode.It can be used on smartphones or tablets.Available in Portuguese and Spanish languages.It is important to note that point recording by alternative means to conventional data collectors is allowed by MTP ordinance 671/22.Important: Compatible with Forponto system version 17.4 or higher and must be used with MultiWeb version higher than or equal to build 77.